Towards the 4th generation of energy networks: online the new edition of the Digital roadmap for District heating and cooling OPTIT solutions for optimising energy production and heating and cooling infrastructure. Energy used for Heating and Cooling purposes represents approx….
We keep looking ahead The spread of COVID-19 is putting a strain on the entire production system and society, posing unprecedented organisational and management challenges. In Optit the reorganization has been luckily seamless: working in digital innovation let the whole…
OPTIT supports the 4th AIROYoung Workshop “New Advances in Optimization, Machine Learning and Data Science”. Bolzano, February 5-7 2020, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. We have enthusiastically seized the opportunity to be sponsors of the 4th AIROYoung Workshop “New advances in…
Optit partner of Retrofeed, the UE project for the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industrial sectors November 2019 marks the official launch of RETROFEED, the European project coordinated by the Centre of Research for Energy Resources and consumption (Zaragoza, Spain), in which…
Solutions towards smart and sustainable cities OPTIT at the Sino-Italian Forum on Environmental protection On April the 8th the first Sino-Italian Forum on Environmental Protection took place, focusing on “Solutions towards smart and sustainable cities”; the event has sealed the…
OPTIT joins SMILE project Optit is supporting ITL Foundation (Institut on Transport and Logistic) on activities of the SMILE project (Smart green innovative urban logistics for energy efficient Mediterranean cities), co-funded by the MED Programme, which aims at supporting and…