Artificial Intelligence and Decision Science are revolutionizing sectors such as energy, logistics, and the circular economy. However, true value only emerges when technology meets the operational reality of companies. In the latest issue of IDA Magazine, our CEO Matteo Pozzi…
Artificial Intelligence intuition that guided Optit’s early steps many years ago was to take the best of the sophisticated (and often incomprehensible) science of Operations Research, a branch of the broader Decision Science, and translate it into tools that can be…
Last week, Optit team travelled to Barcelona to attend the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/Xpo 2024 and join the brightest minds for supply chain management and innovation, discussing and examining the latest strategic thinking, trends and technologies; from this insightful experience,…
Matteo Pozzi presented the TUPLES Trustworthy AI project at the Trustworthy AI: Landscaping verifiable robustness and transparency seminar promoted by Adra – AI-Data-Robotics-Association, showing the main challenges of trustworthyAI through one of the five use cases of the project: BELUGA…
During Ecomondo, one of the most significant fairs dedicated to circular economy and sustainable development, Optit showcased the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realm of environmental innovation with the event “Artificial Intelligence for the Innovation of Operational Processes…
The first technical workshop of DigiBUILD, a European project in which Optit is part of the Advisory Board, will be held on October 25th at 10am. The DigiBUILD project, funded by the European Community, will develop digital services linked to…
The second plenary meeting of the TUPLES (TrUstworthy Planning and scheduling with Learning and ExplanationS) project was held on 5 and 6 June. Optit is a partner for both Waste and Energy use cases and for the coordination of the…
On the 17th of October, in Toulouse, Optit participated to the first meeting between the members of the TUPLES (Trustworthy Planning and scheduling with Learning and ExplanationS) consortium. TUPLES is an ambitious and challenging project funded by the European Union…