Artificial Intelligence and Decision Science are revolutionizing sectors such as energy, logistics, and the circular economy. However, true value only emerges when technology meets the operational reality of companies. In the latest issue of IDA Magazine, our CEO Matteo Pozzi…
In our view
Season’s Greetings from Optit! This year, for our Winter Meeting, we turned a corporate reflection into a unique celebration of growth and togetherness. With the guidance of Federico Palombarini and the power of corporate theater, we honed our listening skills,…
Working and feeling good together is one of our fundamental values. Our Summer Meetings are the practical demonstration of this philosophy.
February 11th marks the International Day of Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Science and gender equality are two development goals within the Agenda 2030 for sustainability. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization dedicates February 11th each…
Digital innovation is revolutionizing the energy sector and emerges as a crucial key in the transition towards a sustainable future. Con Edison, the historic multi-utility company in New York, has undertaken an ambitious path to achieve the goals set by…
Corporate meetings the way we like them. The evening was full of joy, music and creativity. We thank BgBuilding – Team Building Italia for the teambuilding activity that allowed us to play at being artists by decorating bikes for the…
Fabrizio Detassis has happily completed his doctoral thesis on Machine Learning and Constrained Optimization. In the context of industrial problems, the application of constrained optimization is one of the most powerful, explored and exploited tools for addressing prescriptive tasks. The…
A further opportunity to contribute to the development of district energy in Europe. Optit’s involvement in the DHC+, technological platform of Euroheat & Power, has always been more than a formal membership, but rather an active contribution with our research,…
The 2021 begins with even greater security and reliability for Optit customers, thanks to the renewed policy that we have chosen to adopt in the provision of our services, in line with the European General Data Protection Regulation. The GDPR…
We keep looking ahead The spread of COVID-19 is putting a strain on the entire production system and society, posing unprecedented organisational and management challenges. In Optit the reorganization has been luckily seamless: working in digital innovation let the whole…