Matteo Pozzi presented the TUPLES Trustworthy AI project at the Trustworthy AI: Landscaping verifiable robustness and transparency seminar promoted by Adra – AI-Data-Robotics-Association, showing the main challenges of trustworthyAI through one of the five use cases of the project: BELUGA…
Optit continues to invest in the promising German district heating market, which, thanks to substantial state funding, is experiencing significant growth. Andrea Duvia and Matteo Pozzi took part in the seminar ‘Digitalization – Transfer and use of data,’ held as…
Optit is proud to announce its continued involvement in the TUPLES project. As an industrial partner since its inception in 2022, Optit remains dedicated to advancing the project’s mission of developing transparent, robust, and safe algorithmic solutions in a particularly…
The market for renewable energy and energy transition is dynamic and continuously growing, as confirmed by the numbers from the second edition of Key Energy. The event exhibited record-breaking data: a 41% increase in total attendance compared to 2023 (+60%…
Claudio Caremi, COO of Optit, will participate today in the first Kickoff 2024 Workshop of the Contract Logistics Observatory at the Bovisa Campus of the Polytechnic of Milan, the first meeting of the series of thematic workshops that will unfold…
The eighth AIROYoung Workshop is currently underway at the University of Calabria, hosted by the young professionals’ section of AIRO. Talented young researchers in Operational Research from Italy are engaging in discussions on ‘Emerging technologies for decision support systems and…
Corporate meetings the way we like them. The evening was full of joy, music and creativity. We thank BgBuilding – Team Building Italia for the teambuilding activity that allowed us to play at being artists by decorating bikes for the…
Maria Francesca Colombo, our HR Manager, participated in the event organized by ART-ER, International Talents Emilia-Romagna, titled “Emilia-Romagna for international talents: From the it-ER program to the new regional law 2/2023,” held at the Golinelli Foundation. The day delved into…
Matteo Pozzi spoke as vice chair of the DHC+ Platform (Research & Innovation Hub of Euroheat & Power) at the conference “Digitalization as the Enabler for High Performance District Heating Systems”. The event is part of Annex TS4, “Digitalization of…
The 2023 conference of the Irish District Energy Association (IrDEA) saw the participation of Matteo Pozzi, CEO of Optit and Vice Chair of the DHC+ platform of Euroheat & Power, as chair and panelist of session 3, in which the…