Our CEO, Matteo Pozzi, was interviewed by Areti Ntaradimou at the last edition of Enlit Europe for a podcast about PlaMES – Integrated Planning of Multi Energy Systems, a three-year EU project addressing the decarbonization challenge by tackling the complex integration between the network and supply systems.
Our work within the project primarily focused on the creation of the DSS (Decision Support System) to facilitate energy planning for TSOs, DSOs, and authorities.
The developed models range from the optimal design of electricity and heat supply to the planning of the expansion of the electrical network to support the energy generation mix and minimize carbon emissions.
All aspects are coordinated through a specially designed web application for high flexibility, usability, and scalability, allowing easy navigation through the vast amount of data defining the studied scenarios.
Link to the podcast: https://bit.ly/3MwSZoH
#Optit #energytransition #energyefficiency