After several months of development and the participation at international events, PlaMES partners meet for the periodic consortium meeting and to meet the advisory board members
On October 19 and 20, one year after the kick off meeting, PlaMES consortium meeting will be held remotely.
PlaMES is an European funded project led by the Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany) in partnership with Fraunhofer (FIT), the University of Bologna, University of Pisa, OPTIT and OEDAS (Turkey).
Thanks also to the interesting feedbacks received during the Florence School of Regulation 9th Conference, the Smart Energy System Conference and the IEEE International Conference, the project partners will have the opportunity to align, focus on market needs in terms of energy modelling and outline the project future development.
On the 20th a first meeting with the advisory board members will take place, providing a virtual discussion table to collect expert feedback from Amprion, Siemens, the Florence School of Regulation and Euroheat & Power on the practical requirements for future models and tool and align PlaMES with them.
The project’s objective is to develop an integrated planning instrument for multi-energy systems. Starting with an analysis of the requirements of the various energy sectors, PlaMES will create a model capable of calculating the optimal mix of future energy requirements for all of Europe promoting the decarbonization of energy production.
This ambitious goal calls for resolving both computational and mathematical challenges involved in modelling these energy sectors.
Thanks to PlaMES, it will be possible to provide this new tool to diverse stakeholders: European systems planners, governmental and regulatory authorities, technology companies, and operators of networks and public services.
The PLAMES project is financed by the European Union as part of Horizon 2020’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, grant agreement no. 863922.