Topics, programme and speakers make this year’s edition of the Smart Energy Systems (SES) International Conference particularly rich and relevant with current discussion about climate change.
The event is expeted to be a strategic opportunity to discuss scientific findings and industrial experiences related to the subject of Smart Energy Systems based on renewable energy, 4th Generation District Heating Technologies (4GDH), electrification of heating and transportation sectors, grid integration and energy efficiency.
In recent years Optit has invested heavily in research and development of solutions that make the production and distribution of energy and heat more sustainable. For this reason, we are thrilled to contribute to SES 2020 presenting three different contributions across the spectrum of our Energy practice.
Stefano Morgione will present UpgradeDH, the EU projects with the goal of demonstrating the impacts of best practices on various DH systems, proposing a systemic approach to DH upgrading which could be adopted and scaled up across Europe.
Matteo Pozzi will give a talk on District Energy Systems solutions, presenting the Plant Optimization suite developed by Optit with the newly seamless integration of Electricity Trading Management, which manages not only day-ahead markets offerings, but also intra-day and capacity markets bids, moving towards a platform compliant with XBID regulations, where electricity will be object of continuous trading. In particular, we will present the many challenges and resolution strategies required to manage the substantial complexities emerging from often diverging business objectives between plant and trading management.
Finally, Luca Ferrari will introduce PlaMES, the UE funded project that aims to develop an integrated planning tool for multi-energy systems, considering different energy systems such as electricity, heat, mobility and gas. The final goal is to determine the optimal target system, including the investment trade-off amongst different technologies, infrastructure configurations and emissions reduction and calculate a cost-optimal energy mix for the future European energy system.
The SES International Conference will take place on the 6th and 7th of October 2020.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference is held as a hybrid event which can be attended both in-person and online.
More information are available on the event website.