Working and feeling good together is one of our fundamental values. Our Summer Meetings are the practical demonstration of this philosophy.
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Claudio Caremi gave a speech at the Decision Science Alliance conference “The future of Decision Making: Conscious Data Driven Decisions via AI and Math-Optimization”. His contribution was part of the panel on Manufacturing and real-time decisions. With the advent of…
A further opportunity to contribute to the development of district energy in Europe. Optit’s involvement in the DHC+, technological platform of Euroheat & Power, has always been more than a formal membership, but rather an active contribution with our research,…
Initially planned to include one of the key annual events for the Italian district heating community, to be held in Bologna (Italy) under the auspices of AIRU, current circumstances are forcing the UpgradeDH partners to gather for the periodic progress…
Like last years we participated and were proud supporters of ODS2022, the International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, organized by AIRO, the Italian Association of Operations Research with the fundamental contribution of AIROYOUNG which gathers the young energies of…
Optit, in the person of Antonio Napoletano, participated in the 8th meeting of VeRoLog (EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization) in Hamburg, one of the most important and authoritative international conferences in the field of routing and…
Matteo Pozzi to represent DHC+ at IEA’s event: “Digitalization for optimizing integrated district heating system” On 3rd November Matteo Pozzi will speak as a Vice-Chair of DHC+ during the webinar: “Digitalization for optimizing integrated district heating system”. The event is…
The 2021 begins with even greater security and reliability for Optit customers, thanks to the renewed policy that we have chosen to adopt in the provision of our services, in line with the European General Data Protection Regulation. The GDPR…
AGFW, the German association for district heating, promotes a series of online events dedicated to the study of technical topics to its members. The last of these events “Software and tools for district heating applications #09” takes place online on…
February 11th marks the International Day of Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Science and gender equality are two development goals within the Agenda 2030 for sustainability. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization dedicates February 11th each…
The last week has been particularly inspiring for us in Optit! After having followed the developments of COP26, that requires all of us take more responsibility in contributing to the decarbonisation challenge (and we are proud to be in the…
Matteo Pozzi spoke in Chicago at the 2023 edition of the International Conference organized by IDEA (International District Heating Association). The conference annually brings together members of the district heating industry from across North America and the world to share…
Optit is now online with a completely re-designed site As a leader in digital innovation for businesses, we have placed our trust in Jack Blutharsky, a Bologna-based company, to re-think our website from the ground up. Mathematics and communication merge…
Maria Francesca Colombo, our HR Manager, participated in the event organized by ART-ER, International Talents Emilia-Romagna, titled “Emilia-Romagna for international talents: From the it-ER program to the new regional law 2/2023,” held at the Golinelli Foundation. The day delved into…
Initiating project H2020 for the development of an integrated planning instrument for multi-energy systems PLAMES is a project financed by the European Union and directed by Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany) in partnership with the University of Bologna, OPTIT and…
The Italian magazine Servizi a Rete presents UpgradeDH, the EU H2020 project for the renovation and improvement of the performance of district heating systems in Europe, where Optit participate as major technical partner. Nowadays, the urban planning strategies adopted by…