Matteo Pozzi presented the TUPLES Trustworthy AI project at the Trustworthy AI: Landscaping verifiable robustness and transparency seminar promoted by Adra – AI-Data-Robotics-Association, showing the main challenges of trustworthyAI through one of the five use cases of the project: BELUGA™ Airbus Aircraft Scheduling and Logistics in Aircraft Manufacturing. This use case addresses the optimization of logistics planning for this new giant of the skies.
The Adra-e webinar brought together all eight international projects found within the EU Horizon A HUMAN-CENTRED AND ETHICAL DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL AND INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES programme.
Optit participates as an industrial partner in the TUPLES project – TrUstworthy Planning and scheduling with Learning and ExplanationS, a three-year project that explores the issues of reliability and trust in AI, in particular the project aims to contribute to a more integrated and user-focused approach man in the development of P&S (Planning and scheduling) tools, in order to increase trust in these systems and accelerate their adoption. Optit, in addition to leading the communication working group, is responsible for two use cases: waste collection and energy optimization of networks.
To address the issue of trust and reliability of Artificial Intelligence solutions, multidisciplinarity is fundamental: the TUPLES project exploits the collaboration between researchers from multiple universities, three industrial companies, ethical consultants and the psychology department of Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.
We are very proud to be an active part in this project and to discover new ways day by day to combine the capabilities of AI with the needs of the people who will use the final applications.
to watch the full webinar