The 2021 begins with even greater security and reliability for Optit customers, thanks to the renewed policy that we have chosen to adopt in the provision of our services, in line with the European General Data Protection Regulation.
The GDPR does not prescribe specific requirements, but goals for data protection. The introduction of the accountability concept of the data holder, for example, or even more the principle of “privacy by design”, together with the request to adopt a risk-based approach and adequacy of security measures, impact assessment and data breach, make privacy a work in progress for every company that wants to protect its business and that of its partners.
It is with this in mind that we have chosen to integrate in our Cloud architecture the Log Collection service offered by eLogic, the Cloud Service Provider of the Maggioli Group.
With the Log Collection service, the logs are stored in the eLogic Private Cloud and collected through the Log Agent installed on the different Optit systems. Once the logs have been collected and forwarded to the Cloud, Optit can view them without any possibility of altering or deleting them: maximum security and data protection, freedom to define the log maintenance times.
Thanks to the eLogic Private Cloud now we can:
- protect the cyber security: the service monitors any hardware or software abnormal behavior that may hide malware threats;
- respect the GDPR Regulation: the management of logs allows to reconstruct the activity of a computer system and identify any liability in the event of errors or breaches of access;
- avoid loss of business logs: by making available a remote copy of the logs, no data is lost even in case of hardware failure or software malfunction; it is also always possible to identify the anomalies that generated the problem.
The eLogic Cloud services and infrastructure meet the highest security standards, with the right facilities, professional resources and management procedures to ensure the highest levels of reliability.
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