For the third year in a row, Optit sponsors and support the annual conference of the EURO Working Group on the Practice of OR
The third edition of the EURO Practice of OR working group conference is approaching. Optit is actively contributing to the organization or this challenging event, that year after year is gaining momentum in the scientific and industrial community.
The conference, that will be held online on 28-29 September, will be followed by a series of weekly seminars starting from the 5th of October until the 2nd of November.
This edition of the conference will focus on “soft challenges” to OR projects that have met with difficulties during their implementation – including particularly tricky or unusual technical requirements that had to be addressed during the development phase or issues related to the use or acceptance by non-OR-expert end-users.
As part of the rich program, Matteo Pozzi, CEO of Optit, will coordinate the parallel session on “Change Management issues in Practical OR projects” that will be held on 29th September at 15:00 (CET).
Moreover, he will open the seminar series with the talk “When the world of ideas meets the ground: Stories of applied Operations Research (and Machine Learning) in real life” on Monday 5th October at 16:00.
There is no doubt that OR (and ML) can be incredibly useful to support decision making in business processes, but the actual application of mathematics and model-based approaches to real life is often not as straightforward as one might imagine: analysis of the issue, its description in a model, testing with real data and refinement of the model up to delivery to the end user remains a correct, yet over simplistic approach, that often does not take into account the human factor, interconnections with the local organizational structure and the infinite possibilities of mis-communication.
Through a series of first hand experiences, taken from Optit’s projects, Matteo Pozzi will highlight a series of typical situations that occur in many (if not all) applications of OR in real life.
Finally, he will present Optit’s strategies to deal with these factors, in the everlasting strive toward delivering excellent and effective decision support systems to our customers.
The full programme of the event and how to register to the conference are available on the conference website.
See you there!